• 分類:緊固件及扣件其他緊固件、扣件周邊零件
  • 型號:
Super High Strength
Installing PADOM fasteners is easy, you can learn the installation procedure in just 1 second, eliminating the need to hire certified welders or specially trained employees. In other words, the correct installation doesn’t depend on operator skill and installations are more accurate than other fasteners. When you start using PADOM fasteners, saving you more money in the long run.
PADOM fastening system is tough enough for military vehicles and equipment, auto suspensions, amusement park rides, rail car assembly, and shaft steel storage and retrieval racks. Even the most demanding high-tensile application is no match for the strength of the PADOM fastening system.

Elevator / Auto body / Truck container / Factory / Solar panel / Crane / Rail car assembly / Bridge construction

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