Tien-I engineering team specializes in manufacturing precision metal parts, especially cold forged and tube components. From the beginning of the design phase, the engineers work with our clients to transform the product concept into a manufacturable component. Our engineers have the expertise to improve quality, accelerate time to market, and reduce waste.
詳細內容Jun Kaung has been founded in Taiwan for almost 3 decades since 1985. Our offerings include hand power puller, tie down, trailer winch, trailer jack, web sling, luggage cord, cargo net, hook, and related auto accessories. We not only get the approval of CE and GS on hand puller, manual winch and tie down respectively but also get the ISO9001 certificate.
詳細內容Machan is a Taiwan-based global leader in space application and storage solutions, driven by six core values that focus on providing comprehensive services to our customers. We sincerely invite you to visit our exhibition and experience our superior products and designs firsthand. Additionally, we warmly welcome you to tour our factory and witness our unwavering commitment to excellence throughout the production process.
詳細內容For the future, with the managing concept of great honesty, professional service,high& stable quality, we believe our non-stop innovation in technology and development will bring greater beneficial effect to our customers and even to the society, leading Y.Y. toward one of the world-class cable tie& accessories manufactures.
詳細內容The Taiwan International Tools & Hardware Expo made its highly anticipated debut in Taichung in 2022, marking a significant milestone in Taiwan's post-pandemic era. As Taiwan's inaugural industrial hardware exposition, it was led by prominent industry associations
詳細內容台灣近年在AIoT智慧物聯網的市場擴展得越來越快,FAMMIX菲米斯就為了讓台灣消費者更能了解物聯網家電,能為生活帶來更多的便利性,特別參與【2022年台灣國際工具五金博覽會】就在10/14號開幕,現場不僅展示了品牌年度新品,同時加入了藝人強力推爆國際品牌DESSMANN德施曼,此次的展覽就是希望帶給大家#創新 #高品質 #智慧化 的AIoT智慧家庭體驗,了解裝置與家電連動,親身體會智慧生活就是如此簡單!
詳細內容Whirlpower is a reputed manufacturer of hand tools for the construction, machine
詳細內容近⽇中央流⾏疫情指揮中⼼已表⽰,正在 進⾏國境開放規劃作業,產業預估最快7 ⽉開放。台灣⼿⼯具公會主辦的的第⼀屆 台灣國際五⾦⼯具博覽會(Taiwan International Tools & Hardware Expo, TiTE),已取得國貿局資源協助,進⾏國際 買主來台規劃,屆時安排觀展、訪廠、訂 單洽談的⼀站式購⾜⾏程,⼿⼯具指標性 ⼤廠已經⾼度備戰,準備搶攻疫後商機。 我國國境開放有跡可尋,近⽇桃園機場公 司公佈桃園國際機場今年1⾄4⽉份營運統 計數據,旅客運量為40萬3,037⼈次
詳細內容From a Blind Rivet to a Fastener and Hardware Kingdom Since our first blind rivet was manufactured in 1982, followed by self-drilling screws, we at the PATTA Group have continuously improved on technology and the quality of our products, invested massive resources in product development, moving toward becoming a diversified company of manufacturing service provider. We not only focus on R&D, but also pursue high standard and consistent production process and services. At the same time, we listen...