Benchmark Media International Corp.

Benchmark Media International Corp.

Company Profile

Benchmark Professional Media Co., Ltd. was established in 2005 and is Taiwan's most comprehensive export magazine publishing company. It has formed alliances with the Taiwan Hand Tool Manufacturers Association, Changhua County Water Plumbing Industry Development Association, and the Taiwan Lock and Hardware Development Association to jointly publish procurement yearbooks, including the "Taiwan Hand Tool Yearbook," "Benchmark Professional Tools Procurement Guide," "Taiwan Industrial Yearbook," "Taiwan Water Plumbing Yearbook," "Taiwan Lock and Hardware Yearbook," and "TBP Taiwan Benchmark Products Special Edition." Each year, the company participates in over 20 major global exhibitions in industries such as hardware tools, automotive repair parts, kitchen and bathroom building materials, covering key markets in the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Eurasia, Russia, and the Middle East. The company strongly promotes Taiwan product yearbooks to expand export markets.